Searching for a Bed Bug Exterminator?

Hiring a Bed Bug Exterminator can be an overwhelming and stressful time. Not only is the situation overwhelming, but you also now have to think about the person you are going to hire to bring into your home and ultimately work to get rid of the bed bug problem!

If you are looking for a bed bug guy, let’s chat about 5 things you should ask!


Question Number 1: Are you Licensed? While many think a bed bug exterminator must be licensed, unfortunately there is a HUGE loophole to this.

If you have a company, you can have multiple people work under a single license. In effect, this means most of the people doing the actual work are not licensed and may have received no formal training at all. Scary stuff!

Our Bed Bug Exterminators are individually licensed and insured, with training completed at the Ohio State University Entomology Extension.


Question Number 2: What is your process?  One of our best sales tools is explaining our process! This is because we offer a lot of service for a great price, and we offer a ton of information as to how bed bugs work.  If your bed bug guy isn’t forthcoming with this, it may be time to move on. Single bed bug treatments just won’t work..

Unfortunately, bed bugs are not a “one and done” problem. Even using heat treatment, you must use a chemical or organic treatment back up to ensure everything was effective.

Our process is very unique and it WORKS!

Question 3: What are you using?  That’s a loaded question! Unfortunately if you understand bed bugs you understand that these little buggers can be evasive and can also be resistant to chemicals and treatment methods. Just like any pest, it’s important to use what is best for the job without creating a resistance or making the issue worse!

Your bed bug exterminator should have the chemicals and treatment methods being used on the paperwork you are presented with, for your job. We use multiple different treatment methods to ensure we are attacking from ALL angles. Yes, it is more costly for US, but it works!


Question Number 4: Can I call / text / ask questions?

Unfortunately, if you hire a company and can never get ahold of anyone, it becomes frustrating and counter productive, especially in a high stress situation like bed bugs.

You can call or text us any time for help, tips, answers and even just a reminder that everything is going to be OK! We help our customers through this process in more ways than one. The work you do to get ready for treatment and during treatment is very important to your success, and we are always here for you to answer questions and provide help!


Question Number 5: How do we know it worked? The million dollar question! Being educated is key here. First and foremost, bed bugs are TOUGH work to get rid of. It’s team work, not dream work! However, you can successfully eradicate your home of bed bugs and prevent any new issues from coming up. You must be willing to do the work and if necessary, make changes.

So the question is, how can you know your treatment worked? Be wary of “Guarantees” and “Warranties”.. Many companies will offer a warranty or guarantee but the timeframe won’t add up or it wasn’t a quality service to begin with (High price for one treatment, so of course they’ll come back!)

We use a very unique treatment and confirmation process.  After treatment is completed, we use a specially trained K9 to search and confirm the treatments were effective. CALL US and learn more!



If you are ready to hire a bed bug exterminator in Northeast Ohio, call us! 216-544-8292 Schedule your free bed bug inspection today!