Finding a bed bug infestation can be incredibly overwhelming! We’ll get you through this.

Finding an AFFORDABLE and EFFECTIVE bed bug treatment professional fast can be a daunting task. There is also misinformation and high pressure or misleading sales tactics out there. Bed bugs are unlike any other pest, and a successful treatment process is very strategic. Treatment success is dependent on an experienced service provider and effective treatment methods, as well as accurate information and education throughout the entire process.

We are a full service, licensed bed bug exterminator. The Bed Bug Pros is a locally owned and operated bed bug pest control company in Northeast Ohio established in 2016. We carry an Ohio Pesticide Business License (ID # 105716) and all services are provided by a licensed applicator (ID # 135914).  Our goal is to provide a quality comprehensive service, at a great price. We use facts, not fear! We work to educate you and provide a wealth of information to ensure treatment success, as well as identify risk factors and limit exposure in the future.



CALL NOW 216-544-8292 or complete our easy online form


Hiring a Bed Bug Exterminator

Needing to hire a bed bug extermination service can be an overwhelming and stressful time. Not only is the situation overwhelming, but you also now have to think about the person you are going to hire to bring into your home and ultimately work to get rid of the bed bug problem!

There are many options out there, and you want to choose a service provider that has proven expertise and is available to guide you every step of the way.  When you hire The Bed Bug Pros, you are working with a licensed pest control bed bug expert. All we do is bed bugs!

The Bed Bug Pros Difference

First and foremost, hiring a licensed expert is essential. While many think a bed bug extermination service must be licensed, unfortunately this is not the case.

Many organizations have multiple people work under a single license. In effect, this means most of the people doing the actual work in your home are not licensed and may have received no formal training at all. Scary stuff! 

When you hire The Bed Bug Pros you have an experienced exterminator that is individually licensed and insured, and specializes in bed bugs. We are there for you from the very first phone call until the process is completed.

Licensed + Experienced

Hire an expert that is licensed and insured for your bed bug extermination process.

Thorough Treatment Process

Bed bug extermination requires an effective treatment strategy, using multiple products to treat your entire home.

Unlimited Support

Phone call and text message support is available directly with the licensed exterminator from start to finish!

Bed bugs are unlike any other pest.  Hiring a general pest control company can mean inexperience, which means ineffective treatment. It can also mean you are paying for expensive overhead that is costly and unnecessary! Look for a company that specializes in bed bugs.

Types of Bed Bug Extermination​ Services

Hiring a full service, bed bug specific company is an important factor. In most cases, traditional chemical extermination is safe, sufficient and effective, and very affordable if done correctly.

Some companies will pressure you into heat only methods because that is all they offer. That is their only treatment method, and they have to cover expensive overhead and high liability. Heat also needs to be coupled with chemical or organic treatments to be 100% effective. For most customers, there is no such thing as “1 day bed bug free”. 

The big box companies or general exterminators lean on traditional extermination methods of spot treating and ala carte services which are ineffective in bed bugs, and costs add up quickly.

As a full service provider, we can tailor the approach to your unique situation. We offer traditional chemical treatments, heat and organic treatment. 

The Treatment Process

This is a process! If the company you are considering cannot tell you every single detail about the process you are hiring for, then consider looking elsewhere. If there is no process mentioned at all, run away!

You should be walking through the entire treatment process, including preparation, treatment specifics, and everything else you need to know. If you are not feeling overwhelmed by all of the information you are getting, move on to a service provider that can explain every single aspect of the treatment and why it works.

One of our best sales tools is explaining our process! We offer a comprehensive service for a great price. We also offer a ton of information as to how bed bugs work.  If your service provider isn’t forthcoming with this, it may be time to move on.

Free Quote + Customized Treatment Plan

Receive a free estimate and a customized treatment overview. Zero hidden fees and no surprises!

Preparation + Scheduling

We'll guide you through preparing for treatment and flexible scheduling.

Treatment Process

Comprehensive treatment strategy that includes multiple products and treating your entire home.

K9 Inspection to Confirm Success

Verify you are 100% bed bug free with a follow up K9 inspection at the end of your treatment process.

Common Questions and Helpful Information

Some companies will charge a fee to inspect and/or a fee to provide a quote. Some may apply this fee to your bill – but if you don’t move forward, it’s money down the drain! Opt for a service provider that does not charge a fee.

Spot treating is ineffective for bed bugs, period. Unethical sales tactics can mislead customers to spot treat specific rooms and even specific pieces of furniture, often with a high price tag and zero effectiveness. With bed bugs, this simply will not work. A successful bed bug treatment will treat your entire home and provide protocol to follow throughout the treatment process. Spot treatment costs will add up over time as the bugs move around your home.

Pay attention to warranties and guarantees.  Common tactics can include offering a warranty that starts the day of service and expires before your treatment could be deemed effective or not. In some situations, companies just simply won’t come back out or won’t answer the calls. Have a clear understanding of what your contract includes or excludes.

As far as “bed bug free in one day” Bed bugs can survive heat treatments, so these guarantees are false and misleading. Bed bugs survive heat treatments, so all heat treatments should be backed by chemical treatment and verified successful with a K9 inspection.

That’s a loaded question! Unfortunately if you understand bed bugs you understand that they can be evasive and can also be resistant to chemicals and treatment methods. Just like any pest, it’s important to use what is best for the job without creating a resistance or making the issue worse!

Your bed bug exterminator should have the chemicals and treatment methods being used on the paperwork you are presented with, for your job. This is the law.

We use multiple different treatment methods to ensure we are attacking from ALL angles. You should receive a treatment summary including the products used at each visit.

The “what” and “how” is just as important as the “who”.

Inexperienced techs simply need to have a good driving record to get the job, and no other experience necessary. Hire a company that sends a state licensed technician every time.

If someone is individually licensed, they have completed Department of Agriculture training and passed the licensing exam.

Many organizations have multiple people work under a single license. In effect, this means most of the people doing the actual work in your home are not licensed and may have received no formal training at all. Quite scary!

Bed bugs are unlike any other pest.  Hiring a general pest control company can mean inexperience, which means ineffective treatment. It can also mean you are paying for expensive overhead that is costly and unnecessary! Look for a company that specializes in bed bugs.

We offer unlimited phone and text support for our customers.

Unfortunately, if you hire a company and can never get ahold of anyone or get a call center rep, it becomes frustrating and counter productive, especially in a high stress situation like bed bugs.

You can call or text us any time for help, tips, answers and even just a reminder that everything is going to be OK!

We help our customers through this process in more ways than one. The work you do to get ready for treatment and during treatment is very important to your success, and we are always here for you to answer questions and provide help!

Bed bugs are a tricky topic in the review world. It can be difficult to get customer reviews because there is a stigma, which can lead to companies giving themselves fake reviews across the web.

Use the Better Business Bureau, look at real reviews and see if there are any complaints.  The BBB review platform verifies the person and the service, making it the best option for checking out a bed bug company’s online reputation.

Another common tactic is for companies to offer unlimited treatments for a certain amount of time. This sounds great during the sales process, when you are overwhelmed and just want the problem gone – for good.

Unfortunately, the reality is that if they are only spot treating, and only coming out when you show proof of a bed bug, this is relatively useless to you. A treatment process should be structured. We are telling the bugs what to do, not the other way around.
A treatment process should be outlined from start to finish with the type and number of treatments you need. This should be outlined for you up front.. not a guessing, wait and watch game. Plus, you want to get this over with!

Unless your home can be declared bed bug free, how do you know your treatment worked? There are many effective ways to treat for bed bugs, but verifying treatment success is critical. 

A canine inspection can be a great tool to identifying bed bug problems, but more importantly we use it to confirm treatment SUCCESS. Finding the bugs isn’t the hard part (for a licensed exterminator) but ensuring every single trace has been eliminated is the end goal. 

This is an incredibly high stress situation but as with ANY investment, it is important to look around and speak to different service providers.

Do not simply go with the first person you speak with. We have had so many customers come to us over the years after paying another service provider first and just not simply realizing all of the information and options out there!


We are proud to be A+ rated on the Better Business Bureau, and grateful for our customer feedback!


No inexperienced service technicians - Get a licensed expert from start to finish.


Select from a variety of trusted services to treat, prevent and inspect for bed bugs.


No expensive overhead, no high pressure sales tactics. Effective and honest treatments that WORK!

Bed bugs dog inspections
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