Schedule a free inspection and let’s get your home back on track!

A bed bug inspection serves a variety of purposes. An inspection is used to ID the common evidence from a new or worsening bed bug problem. We look for evidence of bed bugs as well as live bugs, and we assess your risk factors. Then ultimately we determine whether or not you have an issue, and if so how severe the issue is (how long the bed bug problem has been there).

If you are already aware of an issue and have found evidence or live bugs, we can jump ahead to assessing the severity and determining a plan to treat. Whether we are completing the inspection or having a conversation – This is a comprehensive consultation!  Our goal is to provide information, ease your nerves and gain your trust along with educating you to prepare for a successful treatment. This is a thorough process!



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Why We Do Free Bed Bug Inspections

Free bed bug inspections have been a very important part of our business over the years. A thorough check of your home or business allows us to get a complete idea of what exactly is going on and in some cases, NOT going on.

A bed bug inspection can show us all of the signs and evidence, including a good idea of the length of time the issue has been going on which directly relates to the severity. We also ask questions to determine how you may have been exposed to bed bugs, and ultimately how we can prevent it from happening again in the future. We want to be able to have a thorough understanding of each unique customer situation from the very beginning. If we find nothing, then at least we’ve provided information and education!

Why Our Free Bed Bug Inspections are Different

Our bed bug inspections are completed by an actual licensed bed bug exterminator. This is different from many of our competitors, that have multiple “techs” working under a main blanket license.  While this is common and acceptable practice in the pest control industry, for something like bed bugs it leaves critical room for error. We often get calls from folks that have had the “big box” brands out and found nothing, yet all the signs are there if you know what you are looking for.  If you suspect a bed bug problem or have been exposed to bed bugs, a visual inspection is usually the first way to confirm and identify that a problem does in fact exist. A professional visual bed bug inspection can often provide telltale signs if you know what you are looking for. 

Licensed + Experienced

A comprehensive bed bug inspection is completed by a licensed bed bug exterminator.

Honest + Thorough

We walk through the inspection process together to determine whether or not there is evidence of bed bugs.

K9 Inspection Verification

A bed bug K9 inspection option is available to further verify a visual inspection that does not indicate an infestation.

Many inexperienced technicians can simply miss common evidence or just are not committed to doing a thorough job. Some companies that provide “heat services only” may not even have licensed bed bug exterminators at all.  Checking for bed bugs can be a bit of an art form, but that’s why it’s important to have a licensed exterminator in your corner.

Looking for Signs of Bed Bugs

Even in an early infestation, many of these visual cues can be found by a trained eye.

Here is what we look for during our free bed bug inspection:

  • Live bed bugs (All stages of the bed bug life cycle)
  • Bed bug skins
  • Evidence of dead bed bugs
  • Bed bug eggs
  • Signs of excrement or blood stains on sheets and bedding

Based on what we find during the inspection, we are able to have you prepare for your treatment and ultimately, get rid of the bed bugs in your home!

Finding bed bugs is not always easy.  By nature, they are elusive and usually only easy to see in cases of established infestations, or in their adult life cycle stage.  Nymphs and eggs can be very difficult to identify!  

Bed Bugs evidence

Our Free Bed Bug Inspection Process

Here is what to expect!


Sonny, a licensed bed bug exterminator, comes to your home or business, and starts searching for all of the above mentioned signs.


The inspection process begins with the most common areas. Some evidence can be found quickly, while some inspections take a bit more time.


Sometimes we don’t find anything! Sometimes we find evidence when others have missed it. We're always honest and transparent about the results.

Where to Inspect for Bed Bugs

Per their name, bed bugs are around beds, bedding, furniture and other areas conducive to their feed and retreat pattern of behavior. It’s important to avoid cleaning, vacuuming or otherwise disturbing evidence, leading up to your inspection. 

Bed bugs can also be in other areas of your home, in vehicles, virtually any public places, in used clothing and household items and many other hiding spots.

During a free bed bug inspection we check all furniture, including beds, couches, chairs and the likes. We are looking for bed bug eggs, skins, live bed bugs or fecal stains. We keep our customers involved through the entire process, to be able to show the evidence or prove the lack there of.

What to Expect After Your Free Bed Bug Inspection

After your visual inspection is completed and we have determined a bed bug issue exists, we begin your comprehensive treatment recommendations. This includes the treatment quote and process, as well as custom tailored instructions to prepare for treatment, and what to do throughout the treatment process. We answer ALL questions, providing constant customer service support to our clients throughout the entire process. 

We offer our free inspections and treatments 7 days a week, and offer very flexible scheduling to ensure you can properly prepare for it, and have the best chances at a successful treatment.

Once you have decided to move forward with treatment, we review all necessary preparation tasks and walk you through the entire process. We are available for questions and phone support, and provide all of the information needed to have a successful treatment!

Free Quote + Customized Treatment Plan

We will create a custom quote and treatment plan that is tailored to your specific home and situation.

Preparation + Scheduling

The process begins by completing some preparation tasks to get ready for your treatment. Once ready, we schedule a day and time that is convenient for you.

Treatment Process

Our comprehensive treatment process is completed by a licensed bed bug exterminator.

K9 Inspection to Confirm Success

30 days after your final treatment we verify success and confirm you're bed bug free using a K9 inspection.

The fine print: Our free inspections must be located within an hour of our office. We have the right to refuse an inspection or service for any reason. We also reserve the right to charge a travel fee which will be disclosed up front prior to scheduling. Please contact us if you have questions 216-544-8292.

If you are outside of Ohio, unfortunately we will not be able provide a consultation. We always recommend checking your local BBB for a service provider in your area.

What Happens If You Don’t Find Bed Bugs

In some cases, our free inspection yields no “results”. If we do not find bed bugs and honestly feel that you do not have a bed bug problem, we tell you! (Just read all of the reviews that say so) We will also give you information and tips to stay vigilant and prevent a bed bug problem in your home.

We are proud to be A+ rated on the Better Business Bureau, and grateful for our customer feedback!


No inexperienced service technicians - Get a licensed expert from start to finish.


Select from a variety of trusted services to treat, prevent and inspect for bed bugs.


No expensive overhead, no high pressure sales tactics. Effective and honest treatments that WORK!

Bed bugs dog inspections
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