Bed Bugs in Rentals

Rental Property Bed Bug Infestations

bed bugs in rentalsBed bugs in rentals is becoming an increasingly worse issue across Northeast Ohio. Unfortunately, as a rental property tenant you may encounter bed bugs in a new rental.  If the previous tenant didn’t disclose that he or she had bed bugs, the land lord would likely not know, and you may be in for a big surprise!

Moving all of your belongings into a home or apartment that has bed bugs can be a huge headache.  Now everything you own has been exposed! The best option is to ID bed bugs and handle the situation before you move in.  This allows your landlord to perform a more affordable treatment on an empty place, and it prevents you from the blame and headache!

Finding Bed Bugs in Rentals

Our recommendation is to have an upfront conversation with your landlord, first and foremost.  What is his or her policy on bed bugs?  Many land lords and rental communities will have what is called a ‘bed bug addendum’.  This protects them, and ensures that the responsible party is financially held accountable.  If a tenant brings bed bugs in, then the tenant must pay for treatment!  Unfortunately, tenants will not disclose that they have bed bugs or have gotten bed bugs during the course of renting.. The best case scenario is that your land lord has a process in place to inspect and prevent bed bugs.

The next step would be to do a thorough inspection yourself!  Without someone living there, the bed bugs do not have a food source – This can be both helpful and detrimental to finding bed bug activity.  If you have doubts, call us for a free inspection!

What to do if you have bed bugs

If you suspect you have bed bugs in a rental home or apartment, call us immediately.  We will work with you and your land lord, including helpful information for inspection and infestation, prevention and more!


CALL NOW 216-544-8292 or complete our easy online form



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