Restoration and Remediation Magazine Spotlight on Bed Bugs
A recent R&R Magazine Article tells the tale of a significant bed bug infestation, a family in desperate need of help and Roth Construction and Restoration coming to the rescue. When Roth Construction called, we knew it was going to be a “situation”, but not quite sure what to expect!
Following health department and condo association complaints, a particular unit was in need of an urgent intervention. When we arrived at the site, it was beyond anyones’ wildest imagination.
Crawling the Walls
In a serious and significant infestation such as this one, the bed bugs can literally be seen crawling the walls. They are out in broad daylight, and in such large populations that you simply cannot ignore it. Pieces of furniture look “alive” as they are literally layered in bugs.
In several subsequent meetings with condo employees and the family, protocol and safety measures were followed at length, to prevent the infestation of the business offices and the spread of this prolific infestation.
The entire process took several weeks, start to finish, and was a significant donation on the part of the Roth Construction Team. While everyone gave a little on this project, Roth and their fearless leader really took it to extreme levels to help this family get back to “normal” and provide them with all of the daily essentials and restoring their entire condo unit – Including being bed bug free!
Read the full article here and if you are in need of emergency restoration services, contact Roth Construction.